Guy who believes he’s King Charles III’s secret son shares photo of his own children as ‘proof’

In a bold and ongoing claim that has captured international attention, Simon Charles Dorante-Day continues to assert that he is the illegitimate son of King Charles III and Queen Camilla. Despite the seeming improbability of his story, Dorante-Day, who now resides in Queensland, Australia, shares photos of his own children, comparing them to members of the British Royal Family, and insists that these likenesses serve as evidence to support his controversial claim.

The Story Behind Simon Dorante-Day’s Royal Allegations

Simon Dorante-Day’s journey began with a revelation from his adoptive grandmother, who had worked for the Queen. According to Dorante-Day, his grandmother confided in him multiple times, telling him outright that he was the biological son of then-Prince Charles and Camilla. Born in 1966 and adopted at eight months old in Portsmouth, England, Dorante-Day believes he was the product of a secret relationship between the two royals, who were teenagers at the time of his birth.

While the official Royal Family has never acknowledged these claims, Dorante-Day is persistent in his pursuit of the truth, regularly sharing updates and new “evidence” on social media. One of his most frequently cited reasons for wanting answers is his desire to provide clarity for his children, who he says deserve to know their true ancestry.

Photos as ‘Proof’ of a Royal Connection

To bolster his claims, Dorante-Day frequently shares side-by-side comparisons of his children and members of the British Royal Family. One of his most notable comparisons features his daughter, Meriam, alongside Princess Charlotte, the daughter of Prince William and Kate Middleton. In a post on his Facebook page, Dorante-Day highlighted the striking resemblance between the two girls, noting that fans frequently comment on their similarities. He wrote, “I know many of you often share comments on the likeness between Meriam and Charlotte,” emphasizing how uncanny the resemblance seems to his followers.

Dorante-Day’s followers have enthusiastically echoed these sentiments, with one person commenting, “That gave me goosebumps. Everyone had been saying this. But I hadn’t looked at this comparison.” Another chimed in, “No doubt in my mind. These two little girls are definitely related. There is just so much resemblance between them, it’s uncanny!”

A Push for a DNA Test

Dorante-Day’s primary goal remains unchanged: to undergo a DNA test with King Charles III and Queen Camilla to determine once and for all if his claims hold water. He has repeatedly called for such a test, stating that the truth must come to light, not just for him but for his children. “At the end of the day, I’m just a man who’s looking for his biological parents – and every road takes me to Charles and Camilla,” he said in a previous interview.

Despite his pleas, the Royal Family has remained silent on the issue, and no official response has been made regarding Dorante-Day’s requests for a paternity test.

The Growing Support for Dorante-Day’s Claims

The internet has become a battleground of opinions, with a growing number of people invested in Dorante-Day’s story. Supporters have created collages, comparing Dorante-Day’s family with Royal Family members, emphasizing the physical resemblances they believe link the two bloodlines. One such post features a side-by-side of Dorante-Day’s son, Liam, with a photo of the late Queen Elizabeth II. Fans quickly pointed out similarities in facial features, including the nose and eyebrows.

“I like to draw faces…. These pictures have the same brows, nose, mouth, and lines under smiling cheeks,” commented one follower. Another added, “For sure, you would have to be blind or bloody ignorant to not believe they are related.”

Dorante-Day has expressed his appreciation for the support, saying that his fans play a detective-like role in gathering evidence and searching for answers. “It’s really amazing how many people are invested in this story and helping me,” he remarked, likening the unfolding events to a real-life mystery novel.

A New Development: A Four-Way Royal Comparison

In a recent update to his ongoing saga, Dorante-Day posted a four-way image comparison of himself, King Charles III, and the King’s sons, Princes William and Harry. In this latest post, Dorante-Day suggests that the similarities between himself and Charles are more apparent than those between the King and his recognized sons. He points out what he sees as striking differences between his own features and those of William and Harry.

“The fact that the left side of my face identically matches Charles whilst neither William nor Harry’s does, raises the obvious question, just who are Charles’s real sons?” he wrote.

Dorante-Day is now calling for a four-way paternity test between himself, Charles, William, and Harry, saying that it is “the only way to resolve this issue once and for all.” He insists that the truth must come out and believes that uncovering what he calls “lies and corruption” is essential to moving forward.

A Fight for Answers

Dorante-Day’s determination to prove his royal lineage has extended beyond his own quest for identity; it has now become a fight for his family. He claims that not only did the alleged secrecy surrounding his birth affect him, but it has also had lasting repercussions for his wife and children. “It’s not just what happened to me as a child,” Dorante-Day says, “but it’s also what’s happened since to myself, my wife, and my children in Australia that supports our argument.”

He remains adamant that he and his family deserve answers and is determined to pursue legal avenues to uncover the truth. “We deserve answers,” he declared, as he continues his efforts to bring his case to court, calling on King Charles III and the monarchy to address his claims publicly.

Conclusion: A Man in Search of Truth

Simon Charles Dorante-Day’s claims of being King Charles III and Queen Camilla’s secret son have sparked curiosity, debate, and even a growing fanbase eager to see where his story leads. Whether or not his claims are ever substantiated, one thing is certain: Dorante-Day’s unwavering pursuit of a DNA test demonstrates his commitment to finding the truth about his heritage.

In the face of widespread skepticism, he continues to share comparisons and updates, convinced that the answer lies in his—and his children’s—resemblance to the Royal Family. While the mystery surrounding his claim remains unresolved, Dorante-Day’s quest for answers keeps the world watching, waiting to see what the next chapter will reveal.

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